So...basically this is where i live my life now. Even you can even call it a life...
Ah... nice cold lemonade by the pool...and a ...textbook!? lame.
i do find time every now and again to fit in a craft or two. When the kids needed clay for a school project, we made it ourselves [and by we, i mean me. i made the clay].
This is clay you bake in
the oven. I found the recipe here.
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup salt
1.5 cups water
Mix all ingredients in a bowl
Shapes will bake best if they are no thicker than 1/2 an inch.
Bake at 250 degrees for 30 minutes on one side, then flip and bake 90 minutes on the other side. Make sure your clay is dry and hard before removing [anyone who had dirty thoughts... you are dirty].
The shape can be painted after it cools down.
i put the leftover clay in a plastic bag and am keeping it in the fridge. i haven't checked on it in a while.... i'll let you know if it is any good still.

i have been putting flowers in [some of] my empty wine bottles.
Bake at 250 degrees for 30 minutes on one side, then flip and bake 90 minutes on the other side. Make sure your clay is dry and hard before removing [anyone who had dirty thoughts... you are dirty].
The shape can be painted after it cools down.
i put the leftover clay in a plastic bag and am keeping it in the fridge. i haven't checked on it in a while.... i'll let you know if it is any good still.

i have been putting flowers in [some of] my empty wine bottles.
We've also been experimenting with putting food coloring in the water, but so far none of the flowers have turned any colors. The deep blue does look cool in the wine bottle, however.
Let's see...what else? My hair has been cut. This is a ponytail waiting to go to Locks of Love:
Hair looks creepy when it is not on a head.
Mother's Day just passed, and it was the best Mother's Day ever. :] My wonderful son and my awesome phallically-endowed life partner showered me with gifts and made me breakfast in bed:
This is what love looks like <3
That's all for now... and probably until summer, to be honest. Oh, life...
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