We have about 749874654143518479876846435 pictures lying around the house, and no where near enough frames to hang them all up on the walls. Plus, i'm getting really tired of all my frames not matching.
i was going through Pinterest looking for ideas on how to make a frame or some sort of photo holder when an idea came to me: cover a piece of cardboard with fabric and glue on pictures and buttons. And it just so happens that since xmas just passed, we have plenty of boxes left over.
Please ignore my cheesy tablecloth. It is kid-resistant-- don't judge me.
First i had to iron the fabric. Which i hate, and is also probably the reason i don't sew more often.
Ew... ironing.
Then came the hot glue gun. i only burned myself about a dozen times. [doesn't affect the kitchen injury count up!]
Hot glue gun is hot. Who knew?
Glue, glue, glue. i glued on the scrap fabric, some old denim, and some lace.
i knew i kept my pre-pregnancy jeans around for something [hint: not for wearing]
Before the pictures:
After the pictures:
Aaaaaaand.... up on my wall:
i was really pleased with how well it turned out and how quick and easy it was. i will update later when [and if] i make another. i have some pink fabric with flowers that is calling for me.
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