Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Real Update

Here is the real update i promised you-- in pictures!

Made cold brew coffee-- what a pain that was.  i don't recommend doing making this unless you have a proper strainer.  Taping coffee filters to the pitchers over and over again took FOREVER.  Recipe found here.

The weather has been so strange that my front lawn thinks it's Spring.  The grass even started turning into flowers!  

Started my garden for the season-- growing some seeds indoors.  Waiting for this cold few days to pass so we can plant some seeds outdoors.  i can totally see why some people find gardening relaxing and enjoyable... but i can't stand having dirt under my fingernails.  i may need some better gloves... 

Here they are!  My little baby seeds!  Let's hope this gardening nonsense works.
i have some projects i want to try soon-- some quick and easy ones that i can do in between homework and homework... you know, when i'm procrastinating.  Here are some at the top of my list.

Click the pictures to go to blogs with their respective tutorials.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Blog Game

A real update will come soon, promise.  But until then...

i have apparently been tagged in a blog game. i didn't know there was such a thing, but since i don't feel like writing my 8 page paper or other such homework, i think will play along.

The Rules:
You must post the rules.
Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
Tag eleven people and link them on your post.
Let them know you’ve tagged them!

Eleven Random "Fun Facts"
1.  i don't carry a purse.
2.  i hardly ever wear makeup, and when i do it is simply compact and eyeliner.
3.  i am [so] not a morning person.
4.  Coffee is my best friend.
5.  Wine is my second best friend.
6.  i rarely, rarely eat red meat.
7.  i never went to prom.
8.  high heels are not my best friend.
9.  i wish i could do something crazy with my hair-- like hot pink highlights-- but i am too chicken.
10.  i am not really a night person, either.  there is apparently a limited window 
where i am awake enough to be called a person.
11.  i am stuck in the 90s.

Questions asked by MyFriendStaci

Do you have a signature (or simply favorite) perfume? What kind is it?

i rarely wear any sort of spray or perfume-- but if i do it's usually body spray and it's usually Victoria's Secret something or other.

If you had to pick one song to be your ringtone–FOREVER–what would it be?

Easy. Baby Got Back. Duh.

Favorite kind of shoe?

Flippy-floppies. Almost a year-round shoe in these here parts.  Else you can find my in my Chucks.

What was your favorite subject? (any grade, k-12)

i never could decide between English and Band. i loved them both. And i kept going back and forth between wanting to be an English teacher and a Band teacher.

Do you enjoy exercising? Do you actually exercise?

i don't mind exercising if you don't tell me it's exercising. i like swimming and going on walks, but if you tell me i'm doing it for exercise, i hate it.

Favorite season?

That's a tough one. i like the spring as it is beginning to warm up and i like the fall when it is beginning to cool down. i think i will pick fall, though. i like to drive through the wineries when all the grape vines are starting to turn orange.

How often do you go out to eat? Where?

We go out mayyyyybe once a week. Probably more like twice a month. We will typically go to a fast food Mexican food joint, because i <3 California Burritos. i may or may not need an intervention. 

If you had to donate all your money to one charity, which would you choose?

I'm really not sure. One that donates most of it, doesn't take too much for overhead, and one that is secular.  

Name a detail that you always notice that most people overlook (nice paper, clean cars–something like that)
How straight people's teeth are.  

Most-used tool in your makeup bag? (You can tell I’m writing this for girls)

NYC eyeliner pencil. If I wear any makeup, it's eyeliner.

One cherished memory

When my son told me that i was "anoxious" [obnoxious]. He was 4 and learned it from Finding Nemo. i asked him if he even knew what obnoxious meant, and he said "yeah, it means you're tickling me too much and you're buggin' me!" Sometimes he's just a little bit too smart...

Seven New Questions:  [because 7 is my favorite number and i never play by the rules]
  1. Favorite show as a kid?
  2. Favorite show now?
  3. If you could pick anywhere, [money hypothetically is not an issue] where would you retire?
  4. Dream career?
  5. Favorite meal?
  6. What is your weakness when it comes to food?  [eg. coffee w/ too much sugar is mine]
  7. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
i only know a couple of bloggers who have yet to be tagged.  If you feel like playing along, by all means, do so and leave a comment so i can go see your post.

Heidi, Erin... any takers?